In Retailer, our system automatically considers a "week", Monday-Sunday. We have heard from Retailers that they'd like to measure weeks differently, so we've created Custom Week Starts.
How it works
1. Begin by going to the settings page by clicking on your initials in the lower left corner of the screen.
2. Once in settings, locate Location Details
3. From Location Details, you want to find the settings tab. At the top of the settings section you'll find the custom week start. Select the day you prefer to have your weeks begin. You'll also need to use the store location drop down at the top to update this for all stores if you have more than one.
4. Once all your locations have been updated with your custom week start, the selection will only apply on dashboards where there is a granularity filter available. Within the granularity filter is where you will find the option to tell the dashboard to use your custom week starts you selected.
Any dashboards without this granularity filter available, will revert back to the default week start day of Monday.